Support Camp


We are totally dependent on the support of those who believe in this ministry to youth.  First and foremost, we need your prayer support. Prayer is vital to the success of camp and the best way for you to partner with us.

We also depend on financial gifts from those willing and able to give in this way. You can send a check (made payable to Land o’ Lincoln Camp Cedarbrook) to Marsha Markas, who is in charge of donation accounting, at the address below:
Marsha Markas
610 W. Jefferson
Washington, IL 61571

We also accept online donations.

Donate Now


Land o’ Lincoln Camp Cedarbrook is a public charity exempt from federal income tax as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the organization are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. If a gift is designated for a specific program, our policy is to honor the request of the donor.

A copy of Land o’ Lincoln Camp Cedarbrook’s Form 990 financial report and a full description of the organization’s charitable purposes and activities may be obtained by contacting us at